Elect Felicita Monteblanco for Washington County Commissioner, District 2
For nearly 8 years I have proudly led with my values and enthusiasm at Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District.

Partnership and Community
Initiated the first joint board meeting with the Beaverton School District since 1995
Engaged with Metro by serving on the Parks and Nature Stakeholder Committee, Expo Advisory Committee, and more
Partnered with homeless service providers to open a shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic in a THPRD facility
Secured American Rescue Plan Act funding to build permanent restrooms at three critical locations in the district
Equity and Accessibility
Waived System Development Charges (SDC) for 632 affordable housing units; 450+ built so far
Instituted FREE childcare at advisory council meetings
Reduced barriers for our undocumented community to volunteer
Recruited more women of color and moms to serve in leadership roles
Initiated cultural communication training for the THPRD board

Parks and Recreation
Visited. Every. Single. THPRD Park. All 100+
First THRPD board member to present at Oregon Recreation and Parks Association Conference (Twice! 2018 and 2019)
In my final six months on the THPRD board, I continue to be committed to:
Improving safety in our parks: lighting, community patrol, and more
Working to address climate change by partnering with the City of Beaverton on their Climate Action Plan
Expanding the Cooper Mountain Nature Park
Improving the patron experience through the website and registration
Letting the community lead by ensuring the district incorporates the Community Vision Plan, prioritizing participatory budgeting, and more!