Elect Felicita Monteblanco for Washington County Commissioner, District 2

For nearly 8 years I have proudly led with my values and enthusiasm at Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District.

Partnership and Community

  • Initiated the first joint board meeting with the Beaverton School District since 1995

  • Engaged with Metro by serving on the Parks and Nature Stakeholder Committee, Expo Advisory Committee, and more

  • Partnered with homeless service providers to open a shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic in a THPRD facility

  • Secured American Rescue Plan Act funding to build permanent restrooms at three critical locations in the district

Equity and Accessibility

  • Waived System Development Charges (SDC) for 632 affordable housing units; 450+ built so far

  • Instituted FREE childcare at advisory council meetings

  • Reduced barriers for our undocumented community to volunteer

  • Recruited more women of color and moms to serve in leadership roles

  • Initiated cultural communication training for the THPRD board

Parks and Recreation

  • Visited. Every. Single. THPRD Park. All 100+

  • First THRPD board member to present at Oregon Recreation and Parks Association Conference (Twice! 2018 and 2019) 

In my final six months on the THPRD board, I continue to be committed to: 

  • Improving safety in our parks: lighting, community patrol, and more

  • Working to address climate change by partnering with the City of Beaverton on their Climate Action Plan

  • Expanding the Cooper Mountain Nature Park

  • Improving the patron experience through the website and registration

  • Letting the community lead by ensuring the district incorporates the Community Vision Plan, prioritizing participatory budgeting, and more!